Problem Solving

Can someone please define 'innovation' for me?
February 1, 2016 - 12:12
SMS Problem ID: #0tzu
Answers: 5


AFAAS Support's picture
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 12:13

Support posted: 'In my understanding, 'innovation' is the process of coming up with a new idea, product or process that creates value. I am keen to know how others define it too.'

AFAAS Support's picture
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 12:14

Danny Kisiki posted: 'Transformation of knowledge into products and processes that have economic value.'

AFAAS Support's picture
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 12:14

Dan  Kisauzi posted: 'The use of new ideas, technologies or ways of doing things, in a place where or by people whom they have not been used before.'

AFAAS Support's picture
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 12:14

Beatrice Luzobe posted: 'A new thing like a technology or way of doing things.'

AFAAS Support's picture
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 12:15

Max Olupot posted: '...Innovation — economically successful use of invention is innovation, to delivers social and economic change.
Its imporant to note that Knowledge cannot be regarded as innovation unless it is transformed into products and processes that have social and economic use

…In its broadest sense, innovation covers the activities and processes associated with the generation/production, distribution, adaptation and use of new technical, institutional, organizational and managerial knowledge
The Innovation therefore in this context is viewed in transformations in peoples livelihhoods.'

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