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Opportunity: Establishing a public-private partnership for creating an incubator and accelerator for youth and women-targeted businesses providing bundled services to rural farmers
The aim of the project is to create a network of franchised businesses offering bundled agricultural services that integrate knowledge products. ...more
Question: Question: Dairy Production
394 reads CHAPENDEKA MITTAWA James Gausi Lorraine Muthala mobile Livestock Production In February 2016, a Heifer had AI. Since then It hasn't come on heat and there's no sign of pregnancy. What must be done? Advisory Services n5b4 ...more
Organisation: Le Forum Des Services Conseil Agricole Et Rural Du Mali (FOSCARMALI)
established with a mission of improving collaboration, knowledge sharing, skills development and advocacy for efficient mobilization of agricultural advisory services in the implementation of the Agricultural Development Policy of Mali and guidance of the LOA. It is hosted by Action Impact, ...more
News: News: Stakeholders in Tanzania want improved agriculture extension services to boost output
More Advisory Services Policy Agriculture Tanzania <a href="/users/afaas-support-0" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/afaas-support-0" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" ...more
News: News: FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) AFAAS Content
about RISE and subscribe to its Newsletter here: Advisory Services Agribusiness Decentralisation Food Security Gender Institutional Reform Organising and Managing Services Agriculture <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user ...more
Question: Question: Question
1253 reads web Are there any Partners in Extension and Advisory Services interested to support extension workers to galvanise their capacity? kzpn ...more
Story: Story: MUIIS service bundle officially launched in Kampala AFAAS Content
international, and other third party service providers, the service is geared towards harnessing satellite data to support extension and advisory service to farmers in Uganda. At the time of the launch, over 30,000 farmers had been profiled (digitally registered) and the registration can only increase when the ...more
Question: Question: Question
471 reads web Agriculture Who can forward e-versions the agricultural extension strategy plus plans for Uganda and Ghana? Advisory Services dmak ...more
Question: Question: VSNP Training for CF
380 reads Silvia Mburugu web Agricultural Extension Who has carried out VSNP training for its CF? Can you share you experience with me? Advisory Services uqdh ...more
Question: Question: Nutrition
548 reads web Communication Food Science and Technology Is there a way a lay person can identify a malnourished child or person? Advisory Services 7uan ...more