Search results
Question: Question: What causes curling of leaves in water melons?
1392 reads SAULOSI KACHITSA Received by SMS Horticulture What causes curling of leaves in water melons? Advisory Services kibl ...more
Story: Story: Sharing the Experience of Rural Life: A Wisdom Pot for the Modern World
the rural areas almost every week to interact with farmers. The proliferation of mobile phones and their use in agriculture is vastly changing the way farmers communicate and access information and other beneficial services. With innovative services running on mobile phones, my dad could have received ...more
Story: Story: FANTO SAMAKE a créé son entreprise d’élevage grâce à sa participation au projet DABA KAMALEN, « La Radio, la Vidéo et les TICS pour l'initiation à l’entreprenariat agricole des Jeunes au Mali » Country Content
signifie en français « le Meilleur Jeune à la Houe » a été projet sous le nom anglais « FarmQuest ». Elle portait sur une Nouvelle Approche de Radio Réalité qui devait mettre en compétition des jeunes voulant s’engager dans l’agriculture entrepreneuriale tout bénéficiant du coaching autant des experts que ...more
Question: Question: Question
907 reads web Other How do I collaborate with organisation/ company working with youth in agriculture? Innovation M & E Other Value Chains 2iqn ...more
Story: Story: Brèves du Jitumu 19: NTICs et Agriculture dans le Jitumu ou la genèse de l’émergence d’un paysannat Agri-technologique au Mali
Brèves du Jitumu 19 : NTICs et Agriculture dans le Jitumu ou la genèse de l’émergence d’un paysannat Agri-technologique au Mali . les années passées, cela va s’en dire, je prenais personnellement les récits d’intégration des NTICs en l’occurrence internet aux travaux agricoles d’autres paysans ...more
News: News: Cartographie sommaire des AGRI-Cultures du Jitumu
522 reads Cartographie sommaire des AGRI-Cultures du Jitumu Coton, maïs, sorgho, arachide, mil, riz, gombo, haricot, fonio, dah, soja, sésame, voandzou, concombre, pastèque, melon, courge, piment, oignon, aubergine….telles sont dans un ordre décroissant les cultures principales dans le Jitumu au ...more
Story: Story: How informal agricultural traders capture and preserve customer loyalty
They may not advertise their products in the formal media, but informal agricultural traders have results-driven ways of capturing customer loyalty. Most of their skills have been honed over generations into unwritten intuitive laws that almost every trader is aware of. They understand customers ...more
Organisation: Sierra Leone Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SLeFAAS)
Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advsiory services. Sierra Leone Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SLeFAAS) was established in September 2010. It is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security ...more
Opportunity: #Blog4Dev Contest on youth and agriculture.
The World Bank through the #Blog4Dev Contest presents an opportunity to share your thoughts on youth and agriculture. ...more
Question: Question: Agricultural Extension
360 reads web Agricultural Extension How best can accessibility in agricultural extension messages be improved Advisory Services hsuf ...more