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Organisation: Sierra Leone Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SLeFAAS)
Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advsiory services. Sierra Leone Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SLeFAAS) was established in September 2010. It is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security ...more
Organisation: Liberia Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (LIFAAS)
Lesson learning, Information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services The Liberia Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (LIFAAS) was officially launched in July 2014. It is governed by a nine-person Interim Steering Committee. It currently ...more
Organisation: Mozambique Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (MOZSEA)
Lesson learning, Information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services The Mozambique Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (MOZSEA) was formally established in July 2015 although it had been in existence informally since 2012. It is ...more
Organisation: Sudan Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SUDFAAS)
Lesson learning, information sharing and professional intercation in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services The Sudan Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (SUDFAAS) was launched in May 2014. It is governed by a Steering Committee composed of five members representing ARC, ...more
Organisation: Kenya Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (KeFAAS)
Lesson learning, Information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services The Kenya Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (KeFAAS) was launched on 22 May 2015. It is in the process of being registered as a Non-Governmental Organization with its ...more
Organisation: Rwanda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services
Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services The Rwanda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services has been in existence informally since July 2012. Since that time it has undertaken activities aligned with the Country ...more
Organisation: Forum Béninois du Conseil Agricole (Benin forum for agricultural advisory services)
Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services The FoBeCa embraces the actors involved in extension and advisory services. The most important are the public extension service having a national system with networks ...more
Organisation: Nigerian Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (NIFAAS)
‘Achieving sustained agricultural development through knowledge-based, market-oriented, ICT-driven, dynamic and efficient agricultural extension and advisory services’’. The Nigerian Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (NIFAAS) was established on June 23rd, 2011 and is in the ...more
Question: Question: VSNP Training for CF
380 reads Silvia Mburugu web Agricultural Extension Who has carried out VSNP training for its CF? Can you share you experience with me? Advisory Services uqdh ...more
Question: Question: Value addition
302 reads web Agricultural Extension Environment and Landuse Where can one get organically grown kales in Nairobi? Agribusiness Food Security qvjl ...more