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Question: Question: Soybean handling
515 reads Esnart Yohane mobile Agriculture Is it true that banding is not required in soy bean field? Advisory Services c3zv ...more
Question: Question: Tobacco Production
446 reads Godfrey Chapola Maurice Mantchombe mobile Agriculture Why do crops like pumpkins wilt in a maize field where tobacco pellets has been used? Advisory Services eecx ...more
Question: Question: Where can i find markets for honey in Mzuzu City Malawi?
275 reads Pauline Mbukwa Catherine Mloza mobile Agriculture Where can i find markets for honey in Mzuzu City Malawi? Agribusiness 0f5a ...more
Question: Question: How do we take care of tobacco in the field and after harvest?
435 reads Maurice Mantchombe Samson Ngalande mobile Agriculture How do we take care of tobacco in the field and after harvest? Advisory Services b045 ...more
Question: Question: How can we control white aphids which are damaging irish potato seed in Diffused light storage?
462 reads SAULOSI KACHITSA mobile Agriculture How can we control white aphids which are damaging irish potato seed in Diffused light storage? Advisory Services qbwc ...more
Question: Question: [node:body:text]
257 reads web Agriculture which disorder, deficiency or infection can be expected when maize leaves have a purple colouration along the leaf margin. Advisory Services fsgr ...more
Question: Question: crop protection
230 reads web Agricultural Research What is the best control measure for the current the fall army wormpest in maize in kenya gkoq ...more
Question: Question: Question
417 reads web Where can I get a funded training course on agriculture extension training methods, approaches and systems? a9kj ...more
Question: Question: Question
682 reads web I am looking for examples of private sector-led models of agricultural extension delivery to poor rural farmers cjbm ...more
News: News: Les Activités de FOSCAR-Mali promues par le Quotidien National l'ESSOR
586 reads Bonjour Camarade, Le quotidien national du Mali, l'ESSOR, dans sa parution de ce lundi 29 mai 2017 vient de publier un article sur les TICs et l'Agriculture. Dans cet article, l'ESSOR donne en temoignage la page virtuelle de AFAAS, le projet de mise a echelle des bonnes ...more