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Question: Question: What are the climate agricultural smart practices?
394 reads mobile What are the climate agricultural smart practices? y06d ...more
Question: Question: Does Climate smart agriculture apply to all crop enterprises?
265 reads mobile Does Climate smart agriculture apply to all crop enterprises? 4b6i ...more
News: News: Le Partenariat Public Privé inter etat au service de l'Agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest
ministre de l’Agriculture et des Aménagements hydrauliques s’est, en personne, déplacé pour présider la cérémonie de remise de l’importante quantité d’équipements agricoles à la disposition des producteurs agricoles burkinabé. Il ressort de cette initiative, un role preponderant des Services de Conseil ...more
Question: Question: Agricultural Extension
544 reads web Agricultural Extension What can be done to motivate farmers to adopt new farming technologies to improve yields Advisory Services 6oui ...more
156 reads This Declaration was adopted by the participants who attended the 2nd Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week, October 11-16, 2015 and endorsed at the 2015 AFAAS General Assembly. Advisory Services Best Practices Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Agriculture ADDIS ABABA ...more
News: News: Report of an IFPRI Event on: Mechanization of African Agriculture- Does it Create or Destroy Jobs? AFAAS Content
5 reads An IFPRI event held on February 20, 2019 in Berlin, Germany discussed the findings of a study that describes the state of mechanization of agriculture in Africa. The study report — Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture Value Chains—summarizes the findings of a systematic analysis ...more
Resource: Resource: The use of mobile phone in the development of agriculture in rural areas. Country Content AFAAS Content
493 reads Smartphones and their applications are innovations bringing good solution for agriculture development in other to help farmers to have acces to relevant informations. It participate in the amelioratiton of agriculture extension work and advisory services. In Africa rural areas, this ...more
Resource: Resource: Closing the potential-performance divide in Ugandan agriculture (World Bank, 2018)
164 reads Agriculture accounts for 70 percent of employment, overwhelmingly on small farms; occupies half of all land area, and provides half of all exports and one-quarter of GDP in Uganda. It is considered a leading sector for future economic growth and economic inclusion in the current National ...more
News: News: Rwanda launches Agricultural Advisory Services Forum
873 reads The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) in collaboration with the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) officially launched the national forum for Agricultural Advisory Services in Rwanda.The forum will improve agricultural communication and ...more
News: News: Reflections on the 3rd AFAAS Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2017 AFAAS Content
368 reads The 3rd AFAAS Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2017 had a number of side events and a record breaking more than 700 delegates. The main theme was “Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA): integrating youth, women, and the digital revolution” AFAAS’s goal is to enhance ...more