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Organisation: GIZ-Mali
La GIZ intervient actuellement au Mali dans trois pôles prioritaires : ...more
Organisation: Agri-ProFocus Mali
promotion de l'entreprenariat agricole au Mali ...more
Organisation: Syngenta-Mali
Ameliorer les conditions de vie des petits exploitants à travers l'accroissement de la productivité et un meilleur accès aux marchés agricoles Syngenta est un fondation qui oeuvre dans le renforcement de capacité des producteurs au Mali et auss ...more
Group: Goat Development
Enable exchange of experience and ideas about improving the productivity and benefits of goat keeping. Open to anyone involved in goat production - meat, milk or other; small-holder or ranch; producer, trainer or service provider. ...more
Group: Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO)
To support socialised knowledge management activities of the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO) being managed by FARA. This would include sharing resources, news, stories and opp ...more
Story: Story: When Nigerian farmers went digital
/ transparency mechanisms) and information (weather, pricing cultivation, best practices etc). This ecosystem was designed around what is known as “e-wallet technology and business processes”. This transformation has to be done because historically the government has always provided subsidized seeds and ...more
News: News: Tackling invasive species to protect farmer incomes and livelihoods
helping countries like Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania understand how they can best prepare prior to a pest invasion and are delivering practical knowledge on how to manage the pest once it has arrived. To address the recent severe outbreak in Kaduna State, Nigeria, we have provided the government ...more
Organisation: Cameroon Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (CAMFAAS)
opportunities for sharing and promoting AAS experiences and lessons on best fit practices among stakeholders; e) Closely collaborate with AAS education and training institutions and to actively be involved in curriculum development and/or adjustment of agricultural academic ...more
Question: Question: Question
757 reads web Are there new practical marketing tools/models that could ease market accessibility for farmers' produce? (question by Tweneboah Senzu) Markets / Marketing lu00 ...more
Question: Question: Conservation Agriculture
509 reads mobile Agriculture When practicing pit planting can you inter-plant Soybean or common beans with maize? and if you can what is the plant spacing? Climate Change jdfv ...more