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  1. Story: Story: MUIIS service bundle officially launched in Kampala AFAAS Content

    – Uganda (NITA-U). More Faith Okiror's blog 548 reads Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Communication ICTs and Mobile Best Practices New Technology Services Technology Request AFAAS certification Uganda <a href="/users/faith-okiror" title="View user ...more

  2. Story: Story: Social Enterprise Country Content AFAAS Content

    development through Agribusiness Enterprise and Sustainable Eco Projects. Essential Innovative Synergy Africa EISA     Erick Ndane's blog 496 reads Agriculture Communication Knowledge Management Natural Resource Management Rural Sociology Advisory Services Agribusiness Climate Change Food Security ...more

  3. News: News: Connexion en cours, Mot de passe PGG4EVER (Partenariat gagnant gagnant for ever)

    publique de Horonya. Car c’est bien cela qui autorise pour la première fois en 16 années d’existence, une association systématique d’internet et de la téléphonie mobile aux opérations d’informations et de communications de cette coopérative héritée du projet Agra 2000. Voilà comment dans le cadre de la ...more

  4. News: News: Connexion en cours, Mot de passe PGG4EVER (Partenariat gagnant gagnant for ever)

    publique de Horonya. Car c’est bien cela qui autorise pour la première fois en 16 années d’existence, une association systématique d’internet et de la téléphonie mobile aux opérations d’informations et de communications de cette coopérative héritée du projet Agra 2000. Voilà comment dans le cadre de la ...more

  5. News: News: 2nd Community of Practice Meeting on the Gender & Nutrition Integration within the Agricultural Extension System in Uganda

    Extension Services (INGENAES) in Uganda.    Gender Services Communication Gender Nutrition Other Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/siya-aggrey" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more

  6. News: News: NIFAAS Workshop on the Use of AFAAS VSNP for Advisory Services comes up January 2017

    State   Zone: Southwest (26 January) Venue: Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Ibadan, Oyo State   Innovation Technology Agricultural Innovation Systems Communication ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management nifaas vsnp ibadan.png Nigeria <a href="/users/godfrey-onagwa" ...more

  7. Resource: Resource: lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne

    Survey Technology Value Chains Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Aquaculture Biotechnology Communication Crop Production Data / Analysis Environment and Landuse Farm Management ...more

  8. Story: Story: FASKO 2016 La Foire Agricole de Sikasso a favoriser les chiffres d'Affaires des Agriculteurs et Agricultrices du Mali

    à travers ce film, la presentation de FASKO. Modibo Coulibaly's blog 364 reads Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Communication Crop Production Environment and Landuse Farm ...more

  9. News: News: Wrap-Up of the UNFAO Webinar on the "Enabling Environment for Rural Advisory Services for Climate Smart Agriculture" Country Content

    Playlist RAS-CSA   or Here: Text wrap-up Available as well within the Additional Information BoxBe... Advisory Services Climate Change Data / Analysis Farmer First Lessons / Synthesis Partnerships Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Communication Gender Knowledge Management UNFAO Webinar on ...more


    received.   Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Communication Gender Knowledge Management Other INGENAES Fellows News Article- Durban Conference-1.pdf Best Practices Events and Proceedings Gender Lessons / Synthesis Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user ...more
