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  1. Question: Question: Farm Inputs

    516 reads mobile Agriculture Is it necessary to apply booster fertilizer in irish potato flowering stage despite having applied basal and top dressing fertilizer? Agricultural Inputs t1x5 ...more

  2. Story: Story: Powerless and bruised: why violence against women hurts country's agricultural production and development

    from performing at their best and jeopardizing their chances for success. On the streets and in the fields, it prevents them from safely and freely leaving their homes to community meetings, supermarkets, school, training opportunities, and political and social events. Victims of physical violence are ...more

  3. Organisation: Zambian Forum for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (ZAFAAS)

    solutions that address priority issues faced by farmers at the field level and the agricultural industry. The CF Chairperson is Dr. Martin Muyunda. The Focal Person is Martin Sekeleti, email: [email protected]. ...more

  4. Organisation: Good Farm Services

    and production of appropriate documented maps, viz:-                   i) Land-Use Plans                   ii) Complete Farm-Layout Plans 3. Farming-Operations Contractors: Plantation, Field and Gardening Operations contract-execution ...more

  5. News: News: Mamadou Tambadou, Membre Fondateur de FOSCAR-Mali decoré Par le Gouvernement du Mali

    Koro, which was transferred to Sabalibougou. In Daoudabougou, he opened a shop selling food products. Benefiting from the trust of major programs such as the PCDA (National Program for Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification), he is setting up a field of education and training of producers in ...more

  6. Story: Story: NIFAAS Intensifies Efforts to Increase Membership

    Services (AEAS) field officers, managers, researchers, academics, policy makers and have access to development funds for personal, institutional, organisational or client development. He added that becoming NIFAAS member would enable the candidate to have more access to grants for research and more ...more

  7. Question: Question: Does army warm attack soya bean?

    365 reads mobile Does army warm attack soya bean? 9iuz ...more

  8. News: News: ICTs in agriculture extension: The case of m-Omulimisa in Uganda.

    participated in USAID’s HESN TechCon Innovation Marketplace (an annual USAID technical convening that brings together researchers, innovators, field practitioners and private sector professionals focused on creative approaches for international development) at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, ...more

  9. Question: Question: Question

    1478 reads web ICTs and Mobile How effective can technology (media, mobile phones, etc.) be used in agricultural extension? (question by David Wakhata) q8pk ...more
