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Question: Question: Redynamisation d'une organisation de producteurs
1 read Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agriculture Communication Lobbying and Advocacy Rural Sociology Comment pouvons nous redynamiser les membres d'une organisation de producteurs dont les membres ne sont plus actif? Advisory Services Agribusiness Farmer First ...more
Resource: Resource: Third Batch of Publications (FARA Research Reports) for the Year 2018
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). FARA is pleased to release the Third Batch of Publications (FARA Research Reports) for the Year 2018 providing relevant knowledge for AR4D and the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A). 1. Impact of agricultural innovation platforms on smallholder ...more
Question: Question: [node:body:text]
633 reads web Nutrition how can we really improve nutritional capacity of the majority of the Ugandan population Advisory Services 4yjz ...more
News: News: FOSCAR-Mali Signe une 2eme Convetion avc GIZ pour la mise a echelle des bonnes pratiques de SRI dans les regions de Sikasso, Segou et Mopti au Mali
de certaines bonnes pratiques dont le Système Rizicole Intensif. Suite a une première etude, CIV en collaboration avec les différents acteurs a diffusé des innovations pour améliorer la productivité (SRI +PPU, SRI + biofertilisants) et augmenter la capacité de transformation des groupements de femmes ...more
Story: Story: Presentation de CAMFAAS au public camerounais
lanterne des populations. Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Knowledge Management Advisory Services Innovation Cameroon <a href="/users/nestor-ngouambe" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more
News: News: The Tokyo International Conference on Africa (TICAD)
558 reads The Tokyo International Conference on Africa (TICAD) will be held in Nairobi Kenya in August 2016 ( During the conference, there will be an opportunity for African youths to share innovations that can contribute to attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals ...more
Story: Story: A Seed Revolving Fund is Driving Malawi’s Groundnut Revival
An innovative groundnut seed revolving fund in Malawi, set up by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in 1999, thanks to USAID and Irish Aid support, and managed by and for the smallholder farmers, has nurtured a solid local private seed industry and ...more
News: News: Radio's enduring power in changing lives
606 reads Last week, people across the world celebrated the power of radio to change lives and connect communities.- See more at: Innovation New Technology ICTs and Mobile <a ...more
News: News: Evidence patchy on value of mobile apps for farmers
290 reads A review of research on how information services based on mobile phone technology can improve the lives of farmers has found only patchy evidence of success. Read more here: Innovation Lessons / Synthesis New Technology Technology Communication ICTs and Mobile ...more
Resource: Resource: Theory of Change AFAAS Content
611 reads I recently attended a meeting during which participants were asked to develop a theory of change (TOC) for deploying agricultural innovation systems thinking into projects targeting enhanced use of technologies from research. My own understanding of TOC approaches to critical thinking is ...more