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Question: Question: What causes defoliation in soya bean plants?
541 reads Esnart Yohane Joyce Kaliwo mobile Crop Production What causes defoliation in soya bean plants? Advisory Services dky3 ...more
Question: Question: Postharvest Loses
193 reads web Crop Production What Can I Do To Produced The Passion Fruit And Water Melon That Will Not Suffer Much From Postharvest Loses? Post Harvest wcdv ...more
Question: Question: Fertilizer
293 reads web Can I register for subsidized fertiliser for tea production as a farmer in Muranga while I work in Nairobi 6bde ...more
Opportunity: Establishing a public-private partnership for creating an incubator and accelerator for youth and women-targeted businesses providing bundled services to rural farmers
The aim of the project is to create a network of franchised businesses offering bundled agricultural services that integrate knowledge products. ...more
Question: Question: Question
2448 reads How do I add value to my orange fleshed sweet potatoes? Markets / Marketing n58m ...more
products are known. Local artisans were skilled to make quality silos and were given the required tools for the job. Input suppliers were capacitated in lobbying and advocacy, and can now present and market their products, as well as do political advocacy for tax exemptions on inputs for metal silos. The ...more
News: News: Petite leçon de Soja culture au Mali ou Comment booster sa productivité en l’absence de toutes spécifications techniques relatives à la semence en jeux?
déficit d’informations capacitantes vis-à-vis de sa bonne exploitation décourage les efforts de production de maints paysans et noie l’élan de développement d’une chaine de valorisation si informelle soit elle autour de cette culture et de ses dérivés... Dans la semaine du 16 au 21 Aout 2016 ; au cours ...more
News: News: APICOLEMENT Vôtre: Etat des lieux d’une pratique agricole en perte de vitesse dans le Jitumu.
500.000 colonies pour une production de 1.500 tonnes de miel et 100 tonnes de cires. Au Mali, la plus récente initiative de développement de l’apiculture date de 2016. C’est une initiative du consortium Olvea Afrique sis au Burkina. Elle concerne les femmes d’une association dénommée Benkady sis ...more
Resource: Resource: The Climate Change Adaptation and Information and Communications Technology (ICT)- CHAI- Project Country Content
630 reads Launched in January 2012, this 2-year-long project used a set of information and communication technology (ICT) tools to collect, analyse, and send out agricultural advisories, crop and livestock market information, and weather data to Ugandan farmers, who are among the most affected by ...more
Question: Question: Question
907 reads web Other How do I collaborate with organisation/ company working with youth in agriculture? Innovation M & E Other Value Chains 2iqn ...more