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Story: Story: How informal agricultural traders capture and preserve customer loyalty
who have not been exposed to the tricks of cooking traditional vegetables visit the market for the purposes of acquiring new skills. Each market has gatekeepers whose roles include continuously tweaking and perfecting knowledge in line with consumer habits. Besides availing knowledge regarding the ...more
Question: Question: Nutrition
548 reads web Communication Food Science and Technology Is there a way a lay person can identify a malnourished child or person? Advisory Services 7uan ...more
Question: Question: Food Processing
307 reads web Food Science and Technology What are the recommended food storage methods and structures for legumes? Advisory Services Agribusiness vcdr ...more
Question: Question: climate smart Agriculture
258 reads web Mbarara. The dry season has kicked off in the western parts of Uganda. How can farmers acess the most affordable irrigation technologies c3u4 ...more
Story: Story: Youth involvement in Agriculture for sustainability
opportunity to encourage youth to be the engine behind the development of new agricultural enterprises — not just in farming but also in research, processing, packaging, retailing of food stuffs and providing Information Communication and Technologies (ICT) services and solutions to agriculture. At the ...more
Question: Question: Tobacco Production
446 reads Godfrey Chapola Maurice Mantchombe mobile Agriculture Why do crops like pumpkins wilt in a maize field where tobacco pellets has been used? Advisory Services eecx ...more
Group: Gender in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing around the sub-theme on gender in AEAS. Join & participate in discussions. ...more
Question: Question: Food Processing
264 reads SAULOSI KACHITSA Joyce Kaliwo web Food Science and Technology What are the locally available food processing techniques and recipes for fresh for fresh fruits in Malawi? Advisory Services Agribusiness Innovation fkvg ...more
Story: Story: Global Good Practice Note 13: Agricultural Innovation Systems
Generating and applying new knowledge is important for all enterprises, including farming. But, quite often, new knowledge that can enhance productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability in farming is not widely adopted at scale. This lack of innovation in agriculture has led to the search for ...more
Infrastructure Extension in value chains Markets Processing Financial inclusiveness for rural communities Infrastructure support for agriculture productivity Emerging value chains Learning from failures Learning from past initiatives and technologies that failed 2.3 Where Is It Taking Place? The proposed venue ...more