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News: News: Wrap-Up of the UNFAO Webinar on the "Enabling Environment for Rural Advisory Services for Climate Smart Agriculture" Country Content
Playlist RAS-CSA or Here: Text wrap-up Available as well within the Additional Information BoxBe... Advisory Services Climate Change Data / Analysis Farmer First Lessons / Synthesis Partnerships Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Communication Gender Knowledge Management UNFAO Webinar on ...more
received. Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Communication Gender Knowledge Management Other INGENAES Fellows News Article- Durban Conference-1.pdf Best Practices Events and Proceedings Gender Lessons / Synthesis Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user ...more
News: News: Nigeria to Employ 100,000 Youth Extension Workers
diversification to make the economy less oil dependent. The minister said, “Green Alternative “ Has three pillars, the first pillar is Productivity Enhancement, comprising nine key components namely access to land, soil fertility, access to information and knowledge, inputs, production management, storage and ...more
Story: Story: SOS sésame ou Transcription sommaire des rêves de meilleurs marchés d’un sésameculteur déchanté…
sésame, Daouda souhaite l’avènement d’une autre culture plus rentable sur les marchés de Ouelessebougou et environ. Groupe Cibarani, Ouelessebougou, Aout 2016 Cibarani Cibarani's blog 848 reads Agricultural Economics Agriculture Farm Management and Planning Finance and Investment Lobbying and ...more
News: News: Femmes et Culture du Coton, clin d’œil à une pionnière du Jutimu…. Country Content
Security Gender Innovation Post Harvest Services Value Chains Agricultural Extension Agriculture Environment and Landuse Gender Lobbying and Advocacy Natural Resource Management Policy Reforms and Impacts Rural Sociology Massala Assa & rendement de coton_Déc2016Gcib.JPG Massala Assa & son rendement ...more
News: News: FOSCAR-Mali Signe une 2eme Convetion avc GIZ pour la mise a echelle des bonnes pratiques de SRI dans les regions de Sikasso, Segou et Mopti au Mali
Aquaculture Communication Data / Analysis Farm Management and Planning Gender Mali <a href="/users/modibo-coulibaly" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/modibo-coulibaly" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more
Story: Story: Brèves du Jitumu N°18: Champs école, Version light.1
Knowledge Management IMG_2758.JPG IMG_2708.JPG Advisory Services Best Practices Field Trials Lessons / Synthesis Seeds Mali <a href="/users/cibarani-cibarani" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/cibarani-cibarani" ...more
News: News: Mamadou Tambadou, Membre Fondateur de FOSCAR-Mali decoré Par le Gouvernement du Mali
Best Practices Decentralisation Innovation Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Finance and Investment Knowledge Management Lobbying and Advocacy 20180213_112742.jpg sub-Saharan Africa <a href="/users/modibo-coulibaly" title="View user ...more
News: News: NEPAD’s transformation into the African Union Development Agency
in the service of our continent’s development.” Source: NEPAD Agency Institutional Reform Organising and Managing Services Policy Agriculture Lobbying and Advocacy Other Policy Reforms and Impacts Africa <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." ...more
Story: Story: Entre absence et manque de fiabilité du conseil agricole, l’Essai & l’Erreur comme mode alternatif privilégié par le paysan au Jitumu…
riz_Morojambugu_Cib Nov 2016 (2).JPG Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Food Security Lessons / Synthesis Organising and Managing Services Seeds Mali <a href="/users/cibarani-cibarani" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more