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News: News: Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Annual Review 2016-2017 published
in-country capacity-building activities. The review is available on-line at . Climate Change Food Security Lessons / Synthesis Markets / Marketing Policy Post Harvest Poverty Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Agriculture Natural Resource Management <a ...more
News: News: The Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) project AFAAS Content and about the Learning Alliance from Richard Lamboll email: [email protected] Best Practices Climate Change Drought Resistance Lessons / Synthesis Poverty Research Soils Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Environment and Landuse Knowledge Management Natural Resource ...more
Story: Story: Social Enterprise Country Content AFAAS Content
Innovation Markets / Marketing Partnerships Poverty Services Value Chains Request AFAAS certification Request Country Forum certification Kenya <a href="/users/erick-ndane" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/erick-ndane" ...more
Resource: Resource: Closing the potential-performance divide in Ugandan agriculture (World Bank, 2018) Lessons / Synthesis Policy Poverty Agricultural Economics Agriculture Uganda <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/dan-kisauzi" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more
Resource: Resource: lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne
Proceedings Farmer First Field Trials Food Security Gender Innovation Institutional Reform Lessons / Synthesis M & E Markets / Marketing New Technology Organising and Managing Services Partnerships Policy Post Harvest Poverty Private Sector / SMEs Processing/Value Addition Research Seeds Services Soils ...more
Group: Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO)
agricultural and food processing technologies and accompanying implementation strategies. It has been estimated that overall TAAT will lead to 120 million tons of additional raw food production per year and will contribute to lifting about 40 million people out of poverty. The principal implementation units ...more
News: News: La Foire Agricole de Kayes 2017
Technology Organising and Managing Services Other Partnerships Policy Post Harvest Poverty Private Sector / SMEs Processing/Value Addition Research Seeds Services Soils Survey Technology Value Chains Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems ...more
News: News: U-Goats in Central Uganda- an opportunity for networking
know what is happening there that we have missed. Think about what you want from a goat development network and come to the meeting on 13th December ready to give your opinions. David Dowdy Agribusiness Food Security Partnerships Poverty Livestock Production Uganda <a ...more
Story: Story: Powerless and bruised: why violence against women hurts country's agricultural production and development
Economics Agricultural Extension Gender Food Security Poverty Value Chains Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/siya-aggrey" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more
Question: Question: How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices
490 reads mobile How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices ovhp ...more