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Organisation: Groupe forum Burkina F
- Collaboration entre les acteurs de vulgarisation et de conseil agricole; - Partage d'expériences et de connaissances; - Facilitation des transferts de technologies aux paysans Il s'agit des membres du forum des services de vulgarisation et de conseil agricole. Le forum ...more
Resource: Resource: AFAAS ELEVATOR PITCH
243 reads Broken link in scaling knowledge, technologies and innovations. Advisory Services Agricultural Equipment Best Practices Policy Research Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management AFAAS Poster.jpg Africa <a href="/users/emmanuel-atenga" ...more
218 reads Lien brisé dans la mise à l'échelle des connaissances, des technologies et des innovations. Advisory Services Best Practices Innovation Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research Agriculture Knowledge Management AFAAS Poster-French-.jpg Africa ...more
Resource: Resource: ICT in Africa – a job-motor for rural youth?
274 reads Digital information and communication technologies (ICT) are used by 81 per cent of the people living in Africa. This has opened up direct access to rural youth. GIZ is using ICT for numerous agricultural-advisory and job-promotion projects. According to the social media platform ...more
News: News: FOSCAR-Mali et IFDC signe une convention pour la mise en Eouvre de TAAT au Mali
5 reads FOSCAR- Mali et IFDC ont signé une convention de partenariat pour la mise en oeuvre de TAAY au Mali essentiellement la composante Fertilité des sols pour les technologies selectionnées pour le Mali qui sont le mil, le sorgho, le riz et le blé. Advisory Services Agricultural Inputs Best ...more
News: News: La Foire aux Intrants Agricoles du Jitumu, Cikè minanw dogodumanba Jitumu
et communication sur les nouvelles technologies et services agricoles. Négociation de contrats de collaboration Commercialisations d’intrants ou services agricoles Cikè minanw dogodumanba ou la Foire aux Intrants Agricoles du Jitumu, est un espace de dialogue et de négoce entre promoteurs de ...more
Resource: Resource: First Batch of Publications (Books) from FARA for the Year 2018
science, technology and innovation. FARA is pleased to release the First Batch of Publications (Books) for the Year 2018 providing relevant knowledge for AR4D. Follow the following links to access these books: Innovation Opportunities in the Small Ruminants livestock sector in Benin- A GUIDE BOOK ...more
News: News: Using audio to deliver knowledge
device, a robust audio device designed to deliver health and agriculture recordings to rural villages. Read more. Advisory Services Innovation Technology Communication <a href="/organisation/farm-radio-international-uganda">Farm Radio International- Uganda</a> ...more
Story: Story: When Nigerian farmers went digital
The application of science and technology has no doubt improved the livelihoods of Nigerian farmers. This is a case study of Nigeria Farmer’s E-wallet System, the first in Africa, which is indeed worth of emulation and implementation by other African nations. In October 2011, the Federal Ministry ...more
Resource: Resource: Use of botanical pesticides to control insect pests of beans without harming beneficial arthropods
their Integrated Pest Management section Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Farmer First Food Security Poverty Technology Agricultural Extension Agriculture Communication Crop Production ICTs and Mobile Natural Resource Management Pest ...more