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Resource: Resource: Agriculutral Financing
933 reads What is Agricultural Financing all About? Agribusiness Finance and Investment Africa <a href="/users/summaya-nalwoga" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/summaya-nalwoga" ...more
Story: Story: Using Fintech to Feed the World: Four Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Finance AFAAS Content
, many cannot access the financing they need to invest in things like seeds, fertilizers and irrigation technologies to increase production and improve their livelihoods. There’s good news though: Across the world, innovative fintechs – companies using technology to enable financial services like virtual ...more
Resource: Resource: Agricultural resource at the heart of rual development
805 reads. Agribusiness Finance and Investment Africa <a href="/users/summaya-nalwoga" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/summaya-nalwoga" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" ...more
Resource: Resource: COMMERCIALIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES: INNOVATIONS IN BUSINESS INCUBATION AND START-UPS AFAAS Content Agribusiness Best Practices Drought Innovation Institutional Reform Private Sector / SMEs Finance and Investment Request AFAAS certification India <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more
Question: Question: How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices
490 reads mobile How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices ovhp ...more
News: News: FOSCAR-Mali et IFDC signe une convention pour la mise en Eouvre de TAAT au Mali
Crop Production Environment and Landuse Finance and Investment Food Science and Technology ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management Lobbying and Advocacy Soil Science FOSCAR-Mali.jpg sub-Saharan Africa <a href="/users/modibo-coulibaly" title="View user profile." ...more
Poverty Agricultural Economics Agriculture Crop Production Finance and Investment Gender Policy Reforms and Impacts Rural Sociology ARTICLE ON WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT.docx sub-Saharan Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." class="username" ...more
News: News: FOSCARTV pour très bientot
Crop Production Data / Analysis Environment and Landuse Farm Management and Planning Finance and Investment Fisheries Food Science and Technology Forestry Gender Horticulture ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management Livestock Production Lobbying and Advocacy Natural Resource Management Nutrition Mali <a ...more
News: News: Le Forum des Jeunes sur l’Emploi et la Paix (FOJEP) à Mopti du 15 au 17 Mars 2018
Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Aquaculture Biotechnology Communication Crop Production Data / Analysis Environment and Landuse Farm Management and Planning Finance and Investment Horticulture <a href="/users/modibo-coulibaly" title="View user ...more
News: News: Le SITE 100% CIV
Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Aquaculture Communication Crop Production Data / Analysis Environment and Landuse Farm Management and Planning Finance and Investment Fisheries Food Science and Technology ...more