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Question: Question: Livestock
206 reads web Livestock Production What are recommended dairy breeds in Malawi? Advisory Services mjrc ...more
Question: Question: Dairy Production
394 reads CHAPENDEKA MITTAWA James Gausi Lorraine Muthala mobile Livestock Production In February 2016, a Heifer had AI. Since then It hasn't come on heat and there's no sign of pregnancy. What must be done? Advisory Services n5b4 ...more
Question: Question: What could be the cause of fur loss in Lambs which eventually leads to death?
522 reads CHAPENDEKA MITTAWA mobile Livestock Production What could be the cause of fur loss in Lambs which eventually leads to death? Advisory Services vwx1 ...more
Question: Question: My dairy cow is sucking its own milk through its udders, what could be the problem?
529 reads CHAPENDEKA MITTAWA James Gausi Lorraine Muthala mobile Livestock Production My dairy cow is sucking its own milk through its udders, what could be the problem? Advisory Services i33s ...more
Story: Story: Webinar: Addressing Food Safety in Animal Source Foods for Improved Nutrition
Join the upcoming joint Agrilinks and Microlinks webinar on January 25, 2017 from 9:30 am- 11:00 am (EDT) 'where experts will share effective approaches to improving food safety and quality related to livestock production. Attendees will learn about improving food safety and ...more
Resource: Resource: First Batch of Publications (Books) from FARA for the Year 2018
Management Livestock Production Africa <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/dan-kisauzi" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Dan ...more
Question: Question: Question
750 reads web Agricultural Economics How can smallholder farmers be helped to access markets for their produce in Sierra Leone? (question by Simon Olagai) Markets / Marketing 19iu ...more
Story: Story: How to use Mobile to Bridge the Agricultural Extension Gap and Improving Market Access for Rural Farmers in Uganda through ICTs. Country Content
community land mapping in all local governments in Uganda to identify the potentials of lands in various communities with respect to their suitability in certain crop and livestock production and post such on a website where they can be accessed. Information from owners who want to lease their lands can ...more
Resource: Resource: Agricultural Production: Improving "Dabsha" Mango Trees Productivity and Fruit Quality by Biological Fertilizers
Ministry of Environment & Water, UAE to study the effect of two types of biological fertilizers (Alnawaya and Super Alnawaya) on “Dabsha” mango trees productivity and fruit quality. The bio-fertilizers were applied at two different doses (25 Kg/tree and 50 Kg/tree) and were added in a powder form to 20 ...more
Question: Question: Marketing
495 reads web Agricultural Economics where can i get food and livestock prices regularly Markets / Marketing sspi ...more