Establishing a public-private partnership for creating an incubator and accelerator for youth and women-targeted businesses providing bundled services to rural farmers
Short Description
The aim of the project is to create a network of franchised businesses offering bundled agricultural services that integrate knowledge products.
About this Project
The specific objectives are to:
Strengthen the institutional and organizational capacities of AgriNet to become an accelerator and incubator of rural businesses that provide bundled services to rural farmers;
Identify at least 25 VA in the areas in the AgriNet catchment area;
For each agent develop in a participatory manner, a package of bundled services that their potential clients would need;
Develop an AgriNet community of practice (initially drawn from AFAAS and RUFORUM) for, among other things backstopping, mentoring, developing and updating content, responding to questions, and generating research questions relevant to community needs through the VAs;
Develop the operational capacities of the VAs to provide bundled advisory services;
Produce/ adopt/ adapt advisory content needed by the VAs in media that their clients prefer;
Adapt AgriNet online and mobile platforms for accessing content from third platforms and for the delivery of the content to VAs;
Develop the capacities of the VAs to use the content and the AgriNet platform;
Deliver bundled services integrating advisory services to 500 farmers per season;
Document and disseminate lessons learnt.