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News: News: Extension project management seminar at FCA Madagascar
1482 reads FCA is organizing a project management seminar for extensionists and advisory services providers in Madagascar. The seminar takes place in Antananarivo on the 26-27th of July and focuses on different topics such as the management of innovation dissemination projects, video production ...more
News: News: "Innovation in Advisory Service", topic for the Annual Meeting of FCA Madagascar
1370 reads FCA Madagascar is organising its Annual Meeting and GA on November the 9th and 10th, 2016. An Innovation Competition was organized since May and contents, approaches and different media were developped by rural advisory agents. 18 innovations were retained and 10 will be selected to ...more
News: News: Training in Project Proposal and Project Management done with FCA Madagascar
1356 reads The GA of FCA Madagascar decided during its annual meeting to organize some trainings for members during year 2016. Among priority skills to be improved is Project Proposal and Project Management. Therefore, a face to face training was organized on the 26th and 27th of July in ...more
Organisation: Forum du Conseil Agricole a Madagascar
Lesson learning, Information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services The Forum du Conseil Agricole of Madagascar was launched in July 2014. Its apex governance organ is the General Assembly (GA) from which a Steering Committee (SC) ...more
Organisation: Association TSIAFARA MADAGASCAR
Participer à l’éducation citoyenne et à l’environnement ...more
Organisation: Plateforme Paoma Vakinankaratra
Vente sur tout Madagascar Responsables LANTOSOA Jean Lea; +26134 23 092 40 LANTOHARINAIVO Marius; +26134 02 861 89 - +26133 02 861 89 Contact: Phone: +26134 23 092 40 - +26133 23 092 40 Email: more
Organisation: Development Regional and National Comittee V7V
éducation, études de marché et prospection, manifestation économique et foraine Zone d'interventions Région Vatovavy Fitovinany Dans toute l’île de Madagascar Responsables Randriamilamina Aimé Samuel ; +26134 98 ...more
Story: Story: How we attracted audience and got 35% new Likes on FCA Facebook page in a week.
find out that there are more people from Europe voting compared to those from Madagascar. Malagasy diaspora is very active in Europe. The key: good organization, transparency, relevance, innovation and social media. Must try, it works! For more information about the FCA Innovation Competition: ...more
Développement de l’Apiculture à Madagascar JAEL Apiculture est un société crée en 2012 par deux paysans apiculteurs, avec l’aide d’un gestionnaire d’entreprise pour faciliter l’acquisition des matériels apicoles aux normes de la région de Vatovavy Fitovinany. L’activité de la ...more