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  1. News: News: Reflections on the 3rd AFAAS Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2017 AFAAS Content

    368 reads The 3rd AFAAS Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2017 had a number of side events and a record breaking more than 700 delegates. The main theme was “Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA): integrating youth, women, and the digital revolution” AFAAS’s goal is to enhance ...more

  2. News: News: Building extension and advisory partnerships in Africa AFAAS Content

    Director. CTA and AFASS are now working towards a MoU and a joint action plan, which will strengthen the CF concept and its delivery to strengthen extension officers’ capacities in Africa. Check out wrap-up article and videos: Partnerships Communication Africa <a ...more

  3. Resource: Resource: ICT in Africa – a job-motor for rural youth?

    274 reads Digital information and communication technologies (ICT) are used by 81 per cent of the people living in Africa. This has opened up direct access to rural youth. GIZ is using ICT for numerous agricultural-advisory and job-promotion projects. According to the social media platform ...more


    Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research ICTs and Mobile Africa Wide- Agricultural Extension Week- Working Concept Note_ August 2017- Circulation.pdf Africa <a href="/users/emmanuel-atenga" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more

  5. Story: Story: Limitations of using documents and reports to share knowledge in Africa

    conversational processes. To worsen matters, several institutions in Africa continue to confuse information with knowledge. Information officers are simply being rebranded knowledge officers. Characterising and storing information for easier searching through portals and websites is not knowledge management but ...more

  6. Resource: Resource: Best Practices for Fall Armyworm Management in Africa

    practices to tackle Fall Armyworm. Best Practices Food Security Services Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Farm Management and Planning Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more

  7. News: News: Coming soon: The first ‘youth in agribusiness’ web TV in Africa!

    Agribusiness Agriculture Africa <a href="/users/afaas-support-0" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/afaas-support-0" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">AFAAS ...more

  8. News: News: The Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) project  AFAAS Content

    Management Policy Reforms and Impacts Africa <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/dan-kisauzi" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Dan ...more

  9. Organisation: Farming & Technology for Africa (FTA)

    Prepare new generations to carry out simple actions improving (sustainably) the quality of life of Humans in harmony with Nature, eradicating poverty and hunger. ...more

  10. News: News: Innovative use of fertilisers revives hope for Africa's Green Revolution AFAAS Content

    544 reads Phillip Tshuma is a happy farmer. Despite one of the worst droughts ever to hit his country, Zimbabwe, Tshuma’s maize and small grains harvests this year are 50 per cent more than they were in 2015, thanks to micro-dosing, the targeted applicati ...more
