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Story: Story: Youth involvement in Agriculture for sustainability
agriculture and boosting support for the region’s vulnerable family farmers will be pivotal to improving food security and economic wellbeing for future generations. The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), through its country fora, is implementing smart ways to keep agriculture relevant ...more
606 reads This an experience of the project Postharvest Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (PHM-SSA) that was presented during the GFRAS annual meeting in Limbe, Cameroon. Agribusiness Best Practices Agricultural Economics Agricultural Innovation Systems EXPERIENCES OF FACILITATING DEVELOPMENT OF ...more
News: News: ICT and Agriculture: Realising the Development Dividend Taking the process forward
Agriculture: Realising the Development Dividend’ held in March 2015, it is time to take the process forward. We have started the discussion. Now the 2016 mini conference will seek to develop the concepts. The key themes of the launch seminar in March 2015: Critical role players in development have long ...more
Question: Question: What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga
407 reads mobile What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga uu8m ...more
News: News: Le Forum des Jeunes sur l’Emploi et la Paix (FOJEP) à Mopti du 15 au 17 Mars 2018
Formation Professionnelle. Pour toute information complementaire s'adresser a [email protected] Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Climate Change Gender Innovation Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural ...more
News: News: FOSCARTV pour très bientot
Lessons / Synthesis M & E Markets / Marketing New Technology Organising and Managing Services Other Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Aquaculture Biotechnology Communication ...more
News: News: Les Activités de FOSCAR-Mali promues par le Quotidien National l'ESSOR
pratiques des CVA pomme de terre et maraichage initié par FOSCAR-Mali avec l'appui des Centres d'Innovations Vertes dans trois regions du Mali Advisory Services Agribusiness Best Practices Climate Change Decentralisation Drought Resistance Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension ...more
News: News: Investing in climate adaptation for smallholder farmers pays big financial returns, says new IFAD report
(ASAP), farmers could earn a return of between US$1.40 and $2.60 over a 20 year period by applying climate change adaptation practices. The report, The Economics Advantage: Assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture, was produced as part of a collaboration between IFAD and the CGIAR ...more
Story: Story: Concentrated chelate microfertilizer with biostimulant complex Country Content
Сontinent. The experience of application of the preparation Nanoagricole reveals that their usage will considerably increase the qualitative and quantitative figures of crop yield. The specialists of our company can answer all your questions. Anton Solodovnyk's blog 546 reads Agricultural Economics ...more
News: News: Libérer le potentiel du pastoralisme pour développer l'Afrique de l'Ouest Country Content
Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Climate Change Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Request Country Forum certification sub-Saharan Africa <a ...more