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  1. News: News: FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) AFAAS Content

    tackled through the promotion of inclusive, gender-transformative socio-economic development and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas by (i) Supporting territorial national and place-based policies for improved food security and nutrition, (ii) Facilitating the development of pluralistic market-oriented ...more


    enquiries, please contact Egessa Jerry on the e-mail; [email protected] or Max Olupot on;  [email protected]     Jerry Egessa's blog 784 reads Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agriculture Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment ...more

  3. News: News: Petite leçon de Soja culture au Mali ou Comment booster sa productivité en l’absence de toutes spécifications techniques relatives à la semence en jeux?

    Practices Lessons / Synthesis Seeds Survey Value Chains Agricultural Economics Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Communication Finance and Investment Konatébugu@Massaweli's Sojas_Cib_Juillet 2016 (4).JPG Mali <a href="/users/cibarani-cibarani" title="View user ...more

  4. Organisation: Good Farm Services

    To provide effective and sustainable socio-economic agricultural development services capable of meeting Farmers’ needs; through an interdisciplinary technical and specialist services approach. Good Farm Services (GFS) is a Private Company that provides the following ...more

  5. News: News: Connexion en cours, Mot de passe PGG4EVER (Partenariat gagnant gagnant for ever)

    Agri_Culturellement Vôtre. Groupe Cibarani Agribusiness Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Farmer First Innovation Markets / Marketing New Technology Organising and Managing Services Partnerships Seeds Value Chains Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism ...more

  6. News: News: GIZ a travers les Centres d'Innovations Vertes forme ses partenaires au Mali sur la promotion des Chaines de Valeur avec l'Approche ValueLinks Country Content

    Advisory Services Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Communication Crop Production Data / Analysis Environment and Landuse Farm Management and Planning Finance and Investment Gender ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management ...more

  7. News: News: Fall Armyworm Tech Prize: Focusing on Sparking Innovations for African Smallholder Farmers

    Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research Agriculture Biotechnology Data / Analysis Farm Management and Planning ICTs and Mobile Pest Management sub-Saharan Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." ...more

  8. News: News: FOIRE AGRICOLE DE SIKASSO EDITION 2016 Country Content

    alimentaire et moteur de l’économie du Mali; Objectif spécifique 4: Promotion de l’Agriculture Familiale au Mali et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques en fonction des réalités socioculturelles économiques et environnementales du Mali. Agribusiness Agricultural Economics TDR conférences FASKO 2016 ...more


    Networking Platform, the D-groups, Twitter, facebook moderated by AFAAS.  The webinar series are organized by the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) backstopped by the Centre for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (AGRIDEA). The first webinar will take place on the 24th ...more

  10. News: News: Nigeria to Employ 100,000 Youth Extension Workers

    690 reads In its effort to develop Nigerian agriculture, the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, declared on Monday 15, August 2016 that the federal government is set to recruit and train 100,000 young persons as agricultural extension workers as a way of providing support services in agricultural ...more
