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News: News: Le SITE 100% CIV
d' Education, d'Agriculture et d'Innovation au Mali Cliquez juste sur ce lien et accedez aux paquets d'informations. FOSCAR-Mali est inscrit parmi les partenaires de CIV Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Inputs Best Practices ...more
Resource: Resource: CABI’s new biocontrol video
chemical pesticides or herbicides. The video explains the different biocontrol methods currently used by CABI to control invasive pests. More Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Innovation Systems Agriculture Africa <a href="/users/faith-okiror" title="View user profile." ...more
News: News: ICTs in agriculture extension: The case of m-Omulimisa in Uganda.
609 reads Agricultural extension services play a key role in improving the livelihoods of farming communities through the provision of expert assistance, disseminating information and technologies, as well as translating scientific research into practice. They are critical agents of change in ...more
News: News: ICTs in agriculture extension: The case of m-Omulimisa in Uganda.
781 reads Agricultural extension services play a key role in improving the livelihoods of farming communities through the provision of expert assistance, disseminating information and technologies, as well as translating scientific research into practice. They are critical agents of change in ...more
Resource: Resource: ICT Agripreneurship Handbook from CTA AFAAS Content
595 reads CTA Handbook This Handbook provides a step-by-step roadmap designed to equip aspiring ICT entrepreneurs, with the information and knowledge they need to start an ICT-based business in the agricultural sector, outlining key opportunities and challenges that will be encountered along the ...more
Question: Question: Farm Inputs
516 reads mobile Agriculture Is it necessary to apply booster fertilizer in irish potato flowering stage despite having applied basal and top dressing fertilizer? Agricultural Inputs t1x5 ...more
News: News: Festi’Riz: La 1ere édition est prévue du 21 au 25 décembre à Niono Country Content AFAAS Content
attendus. Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Climate Change Data / Analysis Decentralisation Drought Drought Resistance Events and Proceedings Farmer First Field Trials Food Security Gender Innovation Institutional Reform Lessons / Synthesis Agricultural ...more
Question: Question: Irish Potato
506 reads SAULOSI KACHITSA mobile Agriculture Why does irish potato tubers rot when NPK and Urea fertilizer has been used? Agricultural Inputs cqqx ...more
Question: Question: What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga
407 reads mobile What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga uu8m ...more
Resource: Resource: lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne
plate-forme multi-acteurs PROFEIS (Promouvoir l’expérimentation et l’innovation paysannes au Sahel) au Burkina Faso. " Advisory Services Agribusiness Agricultural Equipment Agricultural Inputs Best Practices Climate Change Data / Analysis Decentralisation Drought Drought Resistance Events and ...more