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News: News: 2nd Community of Practice (CoP) Meeting on the Gender & Nutrition Integration within the Agricultural Extension System in Uganda
123 reads One of the objectives of the project- Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) is to develop a Robust Community of Practice (COP) around Gender and Nutrition. The Community of Practice (CoP) serves as a learning and exchange platform for ...more
News: News: 2nd Community of Practice Meeting on the Gender & Nutrition Integration within the Agricultural Extension System in Uganda
484 reads One of the objectives of the project- Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) is to develop a Robust Community of Practice (COP) around Gender and Nutrition. The Community of Practice (CoP) serves as a learning and exchange platform for ...more
Resource: Resource: The use of mobile phone in the development of agriculture in rural areas. Country Content AFAAS Content
tools easily accessible through simple phone that is provision of relevant informations through sms and the USSD code system. Link for the full document Advisory Services Best Practices Farmer First Innovation M & E New Technology Services Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems ...more
Story: Story: How we attracted audience and got 35% new Likes on FCA Facebook page in a week. and Increase in the website audience during the voting period: Anonymous's blog 1512 reads Agricultural Innovation Systems ICTs and Mobile Innovation Madagascar <span class="username" xml:lang="" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more
Question: Question: What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga
407 reads mobile What is the clear definition of climate smart agriculture and what is exactly involved in climate smart agriculture. Anna Iganga uu8m ...more
Question: Question: Redynamisation d'une organisation de producteurs
1 read Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agriculture Communication Lobbying and Advocacy Rural Sociology Comment pouvons nous redynamiser les membres d'une organisation de producteurs dont les membres ne sont plus actif? Advisory Services Agribusiness Farmer First ...more
Resource: Resource: Newly published book on “Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change in Africa”
climate change? A newly published book, Mafongoya, P.L. and Ajayi, O.C. (editors), 2017, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change Management in Africa, published by CTA provides insights to these and other questions. The book is available for download online on: ...more
218 reads Lien brisé dans la mise à l'échelle des connaissances, des technologies et des innovations. Advisory Services Best Practices Innovation Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research Agriculture Knowledge Management AFAAS Poster-French-.jpg Africa ...more
Group: Innovative Approaches to Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approaches exist to cope with new demands of AAS Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approaches exist to cope with new demands of AAS ...more
News: News: Spreading Agricultural Innovations through Pixels
648 reads 'In late 2013, CTA embarked on a journey to discover what innovations in agriculture were taking place under the radar in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The project aimed to unearth and boost the awareness of the many innovations that research organisations, ...more