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Organisation: FANASINA
Developpement de la production de pomme de terre et de haricot ...more
Organisation: Association MMVM V7V
Animation et sécurisation des cultivateurs ...more
Organisation: Action pour le développement des Infrastructures de base et protection de l’environnement (ADIPE)
Developpement des structures de bases ...more
Organisation: GIZ-Mali
La GIZ intervient actuellement au Mali dans trois pôles prioritaires : ...more
News: News: Rwanda hosts International Learning Event on ‘Farmer to Farmer Extension
845 reads Rwanda is hosting an International Learning Event on ‘Farmer to Farmer Extension’ that will take place from June 14-17, 2016, in Kigali to discuss about various aspects of different kinds of farmer to farmer extension models. The Rwandan Twigire Muhinzi extension model, a home-grown ...more
Story: Story: MUIIS service bundle officially launched in Kampala AFAAS Content
platform is opened to the public and farmers see the value of the service bundle. Cognisant of the importance of engaging various stakeholders in such undertakings, the consortium invited several dignitaries to get their buy-ins. These included the special Guest of Honour Mr. Anno Galema, First secretary ...more
Question: Question: Question
1478 reads web ICTs and Mobile How effective can technology (media, mobile phones, etc.) be used in agricultural extension? (question by David Wakhata) q8pk ...more
News: News: Nigeria to Employ 100,000 Youth Extension Workers
technologies to farmers. The Nigerian Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (NIFAAS), as well as other stakeholders in the research, extension and advisory service provision have welcomed this development. NIFAAS is particularly excited at such news and looks forward to expanding its networking for the ...more
Question: Question: Marketing
495 reads web Agricultural Economics where can i get food and livestock prices regularly Markets / Marketing sspi ...more
News: News: FarmLINK Kenya ones top Farmer Information Platform. Country Content
284 reads Access to farming information remains one of the major challenges facing smallholder farmers in Kenya and Africa at large. Mitahato Education and Development Fund, a community based organization in rural Kenya has launched a one stop shop farmer information platform to provide farmers ...more