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News: News: FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) AFAAS Content
tackled through the promotion of inclusive, gender-transformative socio-economic development and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas by (i) Supporting territorial national and place-based policies for improved food security and nutrition, (ii) Facilitating the development of pluralistic market-oriented ...more
Resource: Resource: Rendements agricoles & Stratégies de gestion post récolte, Quelques pratiques courantes au Jitumu.
23Semence de sorgho & Stratégie de GPR 24Grénier en paille 25Grénier en bambou Groupe Cibarani, Ka sènè Kunafoni Jidi a sôrô yiriwali kama! Advisory Services Best Practices Food Security Lessons / Synthesis Post Harvest Seeds Value Chains Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research ...more
Food and income security of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa is increased through reduced post-harvest losses at farm and community level. This is a group of all professional extension workers in Africa and beyond. The group can have peer exchanges and learning through e- discussions on ...more
Group: Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO)
agricultural and food processing technologies and accompanying implementation strategies. It has been estimated that overall TAAT will lead to 120 million tons of additional raw food production per year and will contribute to lifting about 40 million people out of poverty. The principal implementation units ...more
Organisation: SAHARAMY
Assurer la sécurisation alimentaire ...more
Organisation: Baraka Agricultural College
town. Its main mission is to promote agriculture to local farmers using the available resources.The aims also aims at empowering them in enhancing food security.Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development programs are available at certificate and diploma level. ...more
Question: Question: How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices
490 reads mobile How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices ovhp ...more
Story: Story: Youth involvement in Agriculture for sustainability
agriculture and boosting support for the region’s vulnerable family farmers will be pivotal to improving food security and economic wellbeing for future generations. The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), through its country fora, is implementing smart ways to keep agriculture relevant ...more
Organisation: Ghana Forum for Agricultural Advisory Support and Services (GFAASS)
Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services (DAES) of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Governance oversight of GFAASS is led by an Executive Board guided by a constitution. The Board is made up of representatives from Farmer Based Organizations (One); Private Sector (Three); Public Extension (Three); ...more
Story: Story: Legumes as a Tool to Fight Poverty: Why the International Community Needs to Refocus Investment Priorities
health. More Jessica Jay's blog 762 reads Agriculture Food Security Africa <a href="/users/jessica-jay" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/jessica-jay" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" ...more