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  1. Group: Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO)

    To support socialised knowledge management activities of the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO) being managed by FARA. This would include sharing resources, news, stories and opp ...more

  2. Opportunity: Establishing a public-private partnership for creating an incubator and accelerator for youth and women-targeted businesses providing bundled services to rural farmers

    The aim of the project is to create a network of franchised businesses offering bundled agricultural services that integrate knowledge products. ...more


    801 reads AFAAS is in the process of forming and/or strengthening thematic working groups at, Country and regional level, in different themes including; post-harvest management, climate change, gender in RAS, ICT for RAS among others. These will be instrumental in giving technical guidance on ...more

  4. News: News: Training in Project Proposal and Project Management done with FCA Madagascar

    Antananarivo with participation of members from 6 different regions of Madagascar. Online registration was open during one month. A total of 79 candidates applied. The board decided to take 50 candidates from research (FIFAMANOR, FOFIFA) and other members of FCA taking gender balance into consideration. The ...more

  5. Organisation: Cameroon Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (CAMFAAS)

    all AAS stakeholders; j)      Mainstream gender and youth in AAS. The forum has so far around 55 keys stakeholders including public institutions, private sector, local NGOs, universities (faculty of agronomy), training schools, rural micro finance institutions, farmer ...more

  6. News: News: Fall Armyworm Tech Prize: Focusing on Sparking Innovations for African Smallholder Farmers

    companies globally, particularly local innovators from sub-Saharan Africa. As part of USAID’s ongoing commitment to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, They particularly encourage competing teams that involve women in all steps of your tool or approach’s formulation, management, and execution. Local ...more
