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  1. News: News: APICOLEMENT Vôtre: Etat des lieux d’une pratique agricole en perte de vitesse dans le Jitumu.

    Food Security Innovation Institutional Reform Organising and Managing Services Partnerships Processing/Value Addition Technology Value Chains Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Research Environment and Landuse Natural Resource Management Rural Sociology undefined Associaton Yéléen de Dafara_ ...more

  2. Organisation: UNION /FRAM Fanomezantsoa

    Animation ...more

  3. Organisation: Development Regional and National Comittee V7V

    Formation transversale et technique en Agriculture ...more

  4. Organisation: KOPERATIVA Ivo Fanoitra (KIF)

    Promotion de la culture entrepreneuriale rurale ...more

  5. Organisation: Activité des Femmes pour le Développement Fondamental (AFDFP)

    Faire mobiliser, responsabiliser et accompagner, puis encadrer les femmes Mères célibataires. ...more

  6. Organisation: ONG VAHATRA

    Contribution au developpement social, sanitaire et économique ...more

  7. Organisation: CSA MIMOSA

    Appui et assistance de l’entreprenariat dans les milieux ruraux ...more

  8. Organisation: GIZ-Mali

    La GIZ intervient actuellement au Mali dans trois pôles prioritaires : ...more

  9. Question: Question: How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices

    490 reads mobile How Can The Youth Be Involved In Championing Good Climate Smart Agricultural Practices ovhp ...more

  10. News: News: Nigeria to Employ 100,000 Youth Extension Workers

    processing, marketing and trade, consumption and nutrition. The second pillar is crowding in private sector investment entailing greater access to finance, promoting agribusiness and investment development, while the third pillar is Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry with its parastatals and ...more
