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    received.   Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Communication Gender Knowledge Management Other INGENAES Fellows News Article- Durban Conference-1.pdf Best Practices Events and Proceedings Gender Lessons / Synthesis Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user ...more

  2. News: News: Rwanda launches Agricultural Advisory Services Forum

    knowledge management, sharing and networking among agricultural extension service providers in Rwanda.The country forum, launched on March 17, 2016 in Kigali, brings together a wide range of actors involved in or benefitting from Agricultural Advisory Services in Rwanda.Its mission is to promote lesson ...more

  3. Story: Story: Brèves du Jitumu N°18: Champs école, Version light.1

    Knowledge Management IMG_2758.JPG IMG_2708.JPG Advisory Services Best Practices Field Trials Lessons / Synthesis Seeds Mali <a href="/users/cibarani-cibarani" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/cibarani-cibarani" ...more

  4. News: News: Nigeria to Employ 100,000 Youth Extension Workers

    diversification to make the economy less oil dependent.   The minister said, “Green Alternative “ Has three pillars, the first pillar is Productivity Enhancement, comprising nine key components namely access to land, soil fertility, access to information and knowledge, inputs, production management, storage and ...more

  5. News: News: FOSCAR-Mali et Agri Pro Focus, ensemble pour accompagner les acteurs Agricoles au Mali

    initiative porteuse pour le développement de l’agriculture au Mali,    A l’occasion, FOSCAR-Mali est invité par Agri Pro Focus à la troisième édition de la  Foire Agricole qui se déroulera à  Sikasso du 12 au 18 décembre 2016 prochain.   Advisory Services Agribusiness ICTs and Mobile Knowledge Management ...more

  6. News: News: Tackling invasive species to protect farmer incomes and livelihoods

    helping countries like Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania understand how they can best prepare prior to a pest invasion and are delivering practical knowledge on how to manage the pest once it has arrived. To address the recent severe outbreak in Kaduna State, Nigeria, we have provided the government ...more

  7. Organisation: Development Regional and National Comittee V7V

    Formation transversale et technique en Agriculture ...more

  8. Organisation: Association TSIAFARA MADAGASCAR

    Participer à l’éducation citoyenne et à l’environnement ...more

  9. Organisation: Association ANDRIAMBO

    Former des personnes en civisme et à l'éducation environnmentale ...more

  10. Organisation: ASSOCIATION MIARADIA

    Vulgarisation de l'économie verte ...more
