Search results

  1. Resource: Resource: Agricultural Production: Improving "Dabsha" Mango Trees Productivity and Fruit Quality by Biological Fertilizers

    :// Other Agriculture 10.11648.j.ajaf_.20160406.14.pdf United Arab Emirates <a href="/users/james-wilson" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/james-wilson" ...more

  2. News: News: NEPAD’s transformation into the African Union Development Agency

    in the service of our continent’s development.” Source: NEPAD Agency Institutional Reform Organising and Managing Services Policy Agriculture Lobbying and Advocacy Other Policy Reforms and Impacts Africa <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." ...more

  3. Organisation: Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS)

    To promote an effective, efficient and innovative AAES system through advocacy, capacity building, information sharing and increased professional development among AAES actors in Uganda. ...more


    To have a platform where experiences with VSNP, remark and suggestions can be posted This is mainly from the PHM-SSA group ...more

  5. Group: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

    To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing around climate change adaptation and mitigation. Join & participate in discussions ...more

  6. Organisation: Farming & Technology for Africa (FTA)

    Prepare new generations to carry out simple actions improving (sustainably) the quality of life of Humans in harmony with Nature, eradicating poverty and hunger. ...more

  7. Opportunity: #Blog4Dev Contest on youth and agriculture.

    The World Bank through the #Blog4Dev Contest presents an opportunity to share your thoughts on youth and agriculture. ...more

  8. Organisation: FIVES (fikamban’ny Vehivavy Sembana)

    Plaidoyer et sensibilisation des droits de femmes handicapées ...more

  9. Organisation: Association MMVM V7V

    Animation et sécurisation des cultivateurs ...more

  10. Question: Question: Question

    1628 reads web Can someone please define 'innovation' for me? Innovation 0tzu ...more
