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Organisation: CSA MIMOSA
Appui et assistance de l’entreprenariat dans les milieux ruraux ...more
Question: Question: What are the most sustainable ways to improve adoption of climate smart agriculture in rural settings
410 reads SIYA AGGREY Beatrice Luzobe Max Olupot Olalatau mobile What are the most sustainable ways to improve adoption of climate smart agriculture in rural settings pmbl ...more
Group: Extension Policy and Global Rural Advisory Services Perspectives
To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing around extension policy and global rural advisory services. Join & participate in discussions. ...more
News: News: FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) AFAAS Content
155 reads The work done by the FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) should be of particula interest to AFAAS. The RISE contributes to global efforts being made to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition to unlock the development potential of rural areas. This is ...more
Story: Story: Reaching the Millions! What 20 years of Rural Advisory Services has taught us AFAAS Content
a povertyoriented,sustainable way? We are pleased to share with you an article published by RURAL 21 that summarizes a selection of what has been learnt on seven studies to capitalize experiences of rural advisory systems in Asian countries. Please download the document attached to read further. Agriculture Reaching the ...more
News: News: The role of mobile phone SMS solutions in promoting agribusiness among small-scale farmers in rural Zambia. A case of Northern Province
astronomical profits from our hard-earned produce” said Mr David Ng'andu a small-scale farmer in rural Zambia. Learn more in CTA new Publication: "The role of mobile phone SMS solutions in promoting agribusiness among small-scale farmers in rural Zambia." Innovation Communication CTA MIS.pdf ...more
Resource: Resource: The use of mobile phone in the development of agriculture in rural areas. Country Content AFAAS Content
493 reads Smartphones and their applications are innovations bringing good solution for agriculture development in other to help farmers to have acces to relevant informations. It participate in the amelioratiton of agriculture extension work and advisory services. In Africa rural areas, this ...more
News: News: Wrap-Up of the UNFAO Webinar on the "Enabling Environment for Rural Advisory Services for Climate Smart Agriculture" Country Content
391 reads Promoting an efficient and effective CSA approach at rural commuity based farmers to achieve resilient agricultural production and as well, contributing to a more inclusive agricultural value chain and market, is a core challenge International organizations are called upon to achieve. ...more
Organisation: Le Forum Des Services Conseil Agricole Et Rural Du Mali (FOSCARMALI)
Improve collaboration, knowledge sharing, skills development and advocacy for efficient mobilization of SCAR in the implementation of the Agricultural Development Policy of Mali and guidance of the LOA The Le Forum Des Services Conseil Agricole Et Rural Du Mali (FOSCARMALI) was ...more
Resource: Resource: ICT in Africa – a job-motor for rural youth?
274 reads Digital information and communication technologies (ICT) are used by 81 per cent of the people living in Africa. This has opened up direct access to rural youth. GIZ is using ICT for numerous agricultural-advisory and job-promotion projects. According to the social media platform ...more