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Story: Story: From training to practice: Impact of INGENAES Project on Uganda Agricultural Extension Service delivery
Through an MOU, the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) set out in September 2016 to implement a two-year- Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project ...more
Resource: Resource: Intergrating Post-Harvest Development Capacity into national extension services
postharvest development capacity into national extension services” is available in video recording that we will watch. Agribusiness Institutional Reform Agricultural Economics Africa <a href="/users/egessa-jerry" title="View user profile." class="username" ...more
News: News: Le Partenariat Public Privé inter etat au service de l'Agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest
ministre de l’Agriculture et des Aménagements hydrauliques s’est, en personne, déplacé pour présider la cérémonie de remise de l’importante quantité d’équipements agricoles à la disposition des producteurs agricoles burkinabé. Il ressort de cette initiative, un role preponderant des Services de Conseil ...more
Resource: Resource: KeFAAS explainer videos, illustrated drawings and animated graphics for agricultural extension and services provision. Country Content AFAAS Content
of explainer videos, illustrated drawings and animated graphics to create and share content using this technique for agricultural extension and services provision. See others on KeFAAS you tube Innovation Agricultural Extension Request Country Forum certification Request AFAAS certification Kenya ...more
Organisation: African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)
Group: Market Orientation and Entrepreneurship in the Context of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing on issues relating to market orientation and entrepreneurship. Join and participate in discussions. ...more
Organisation: Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS)
from all sectors which include the Public sector, Academia, Private sector, Civil Society, Farmer Organizations, Donor Community and Media.We invite you to join our group to share information as well as start and participate in discussions that can take UFAAS and agricultural advisory services forward. ...more
Group: Innovative Approaches to Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approaches exist to cope with new demands of AAS Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approa ...more
Group: Gender in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing around the sub-theme on gender in AEAS. Join & participate in discussions. ...more
Group: Farmer Institutional Development in the context of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
To draw experiences, lessons, new ideas/approaches and recommendations on this theme This group is for networking & information sharing on issues relating to farmer institutional development. Join & participate in discussions. ...more