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News: News: "Innovation in Advisory Service", topic for the Annual Meeting of FCA Madagascar
1370 reads FCA Madagascar is organising its Annual Meeting and GA on November the 9th and 10th, 2016. An Innovation Competition was organized since May and contents, approaches and different media were developped by rural advisory agents. 18 innovations ...more
Question: Question: Dairy Production
394 reads CHAPENDEKA MITTAWA James Gausi Lorraine Muthala mobile Livestock Production In February 2016, a Heifer had AI. Since then It hasn't come on heat and there's no sign of pregnancy. What must be done? Advisory Services n5b4 ...more
Question: Question: climate change
562 reads web How would one repackage climate change messages for smallholder farmers through the radio xhqn ...more
Resource: Resource: le bon fonctionnement des ORGANISATIONS FAMILIALES AGROPASTORALES Country Content AFAAS Content
compte d’exploitation prévisionnel et à la fin d’année un compte de résultat est établi pour analyse l’activité financière de l’organisation. Les groupements font un bilan en fin d’année pour avoir une idée du patrimoine de l’organisation. LES SERVICES QUE L'ORGANISATION PEUT RENDRE AUX MEMBRES Pour ...more
“W e are gaining more from the PHM promotion. The demand for “warrantage” systems has increased. Many villages now demand our services to help establish the “warrantage” system. I think this is due to the improvement of the postharvest management in the area……….Farmers are able to negotiate among ...more
Story: Story: Sharing the Experience of Rural Life: A Wisdom Pot for the Modern World
the rural areas almost every week to interact with farmers. The proliferation of mobile phones and their use in agriculture is vastly changing the way farmers communicate and access information and other beneficial services. With innovative services running on mobile phones, my dad could have received ...more
Story: Story: How to use Mobile to Bridge the Agricultural Extension Gap and Improving Market Access for Rural Farmers in Uganda through ICTs. Country Content
policy conception, poor implementation of viable policies, and ineffective extension services and the challenge of accessing markets for agricultural products has become a challenge farmers in rural areas. In the context of this article, agricultural extension is conscious use of communication of ...more
Question: Question: VSNP
419 reads web Agricultural Extension what is vsnp? Advisory Services l1nk ...more
Question: Question: Livestock
206 reads web Livestock Production What are recommended dairy breeds in Malawi? Advisory Services mjrc ...more
Question: Question: Question
1478 reads web ICTs and Mobile How effective can technology (media, mobile phones, etc.) be used in agricultural extension? (question by David Wakhata) q8pk ...more