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Organisation: KFMN Tsinjo « Koperativa Fototra Mpamokatra Masomboly »
Production de semence agricole ...more
Organisation: TAVAMA ( Tantsahan’i Vakinakaratra Mandroso )
Contribution à l'augmentation de niveau de vie des producteurs Ayant des coopératives pour les : - Jeunes - Femmes - Technicien (secrétaire comptable) Activités Production en agriculture : pomme, haricot, pomme de terre, et ...more
Resource: Resource: African Soil Seminar- Soil Restoration for Achieving the 2063 and 2030 Agendas in Africa: Linking Global Ambitions to Local Needs
convened by the Global Soil Forum at the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam, and ICRAF, with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It was co-hosted by ministries in charge of agriculture of Kenya, Ethiopia, Benin and Burkina Faso, as ...more
Question: Question: Question
826 reads web Who are the most critical actors in AEAS within an Agricultural Innovation Systems? (question by Samson Eshetu) Innovation 5sqx ...more
Question: Question: Conservation Agriculture
503 reads Kefasi Kamoyo mobile Agriculture What can be done to control water-logging in the field where mulching is done? Climate Change 01l7 ...more
Question: Question: Agricultural Extension
451 reads web Agricultural Extension How can the issue of conflicting messages from different stakeholders be addressed? Advisory Services 8roy ...more
News: News: The contribution of ICTs to the Ethiopian agricultural extension system: a review of literature on agriculture knowledge management
686 reads We share a study from Dereje Dersoand Ekuogbe Ejiro from Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Madda Walabu University and the Department of Biochemistry, Delta State University on the contribution of ICTs to the Ethiopian agricultural extionsion system. Read the ...more
News: News: Innovate for agriculture: New CTA report demonstrates how young ICT entrepreneurs are innovating to transform agriculture
948 reads An increasing number of young innovative entrepreneurs in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries are developing ICTs for agriculture solutions to support agricultural value chains, providing employment and livelihood opportunities. To highlight ACP entrepreneurs’ important ...more
Organisation: FITARIKANDRO
Promouvoir la filière haricot au niveau de la région Amoron’i Mania ...more
Collaboration entre le groupe Paysan Producteur des Apiculteur ZAFIMANIRY ...more