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  1. Story: Story: Social Enterprise Country Content AFAAS Content

    development through Agribusiness Enterprise and Sustainable Eco Projects. Essential Innovative Synergy Africa EISA     Erick Ndane's blog 496 reads Agriculture Communication Knowledge Management Natural Resource Management Rural Sociology Advisory Services Agribusiness Climate Change Food Security ...more

  2. News: News: FAO's Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) AFAAS Content

    about RISE and subscribe to its Newsletter here: Advisory Services Agribusiness Decentralisation Food Security Gender Institutional Reform Organising and Managing Services Agriculture <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user ...more

  3. Organisation: Gutsinda Development Group

    To build robust social enterprises which promote social and economic development for rural communities through innovative and adaptable approaches ...more

  4. Organisation: SOAMITAMBATRA

    Appui à la production de semence du riz, de semence d'haricot de bonne qualité ...more

  5. Organisation: FITARIKANDRO

    Promouvoir la filière haricot au niveau de la région Amoron’i Mania ...more

  6. Organisation: FAFIAM

    Formation à la production de semence de riz irrigué et pluvial ...more

  7. Organisation: LE BON MIEL D’EUCALYPTUS

    Collaboration entre le groupe Paysan Producteur des Apiculteur ZAFIMANIRY ...more

  8. Organisation: ALFA

    Culture de pomme de terre, de légumes, et de riz ...more

  9. Organisation: AMI

    Assurer l'amélioration de niveau de vie des producteurs ...more

  10. Organisation: MIHARY

    Promotion et developpement de la sericiculture ...more
