Search results

  1. Organisation: Coopérative Maitso Mirindra

    Promotion et developpement de la sericiculture ...more

  2. Organisation: Activité des Femmes pour le Développement Fondamental (AFDFP)

    Faire mobiliser, responsabiliser et accompagner, puis encadrer les femmes Mères célibataires. ...more

  3. Organisation: Coopérative TANAMASOANDRO

    Valorisation et preservation des ressources existantes ...more

  4. Organisation: Plateforme Paoma Vakinankaratra

    Contribution à l'amélioration des ressources de revenus des producteurs de pomme ...more

  5. Resource: Resource: The Climate Change Adaptation and Information and Communications Technology (ICT)- CHAI- Project Country Content

    630 reads Launched in January 2012, this 2-year-long project used a set of information and communication technology (ICT) tools to collect, analyse, and send out agricultural advisories, crop and livestock market information, and weather data to Ugandan farmers, who are among the most affected by ...more

  6. News: News: m-Omulimisa Partners with Women of Uganda Network to Improve Service Delivery

    824 reads Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) in Partnership with Agricultural Innovation System Brokerage Association (AGINSBA) have leveraged an already existing platform called m-Omulimisa (Luganda for mobile extension agent) originally designed for agricultural extension purposes and customized ...more

  7. Story: Story: Comment les TIC peuvent améliorer les services d'accompagnement des producteurs!

    stratégique de vulgarisation et d’encadrement à distance Nestor NGOUAMBE's blog 1103 reads Agricultural Innovation Systems ICTs and Mobile Publication CTA 1896_PDF (1).pdf Advisory Services Cameroon <a href="/users/nestor-ngouambe" title="View user profile." ...more

  8. Story: Story: Shave, Haircut and a Video

    This is a Re Blog from ICT Update # Issue 83. Original story was written by J. BENTLEY, P. VAN MELE and R.K. UDEDI AFAAS Support's blog 913 reads Agricultural Extension Advisory Services Malawi <a href="/users/afaas-support-0" title="View user profile." ...more

  9. News: News: Post-harvest cassava technology and value addition

    718 reads You are kindly invited to participate in an upcoming moderated discussion on "Post-harvest cassava technology and value addition’ for food security and income generation on the BiomassNet Dgroup. The discussion is facilitated by Prof. Paul Amaza, an agricultural economist. He has ...more

  10. News: News: Faire part de Bonheur

    seuil considérable (au regard de son outillage) d’une dizaine d’hectare et quelques ares.   En dehors du grand mérite d’avoir su résister et faire résister aux tentations des sirènes de sites d’orpaillages environnants le Jitumu par son choix  de maintenir par l’agriculture la progéniture lui ayant été ...more
