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  1. Organisation: Action pour le développement des Infrastructures de base et protection de l’environnement (ADIPE)

    Developpement des structures de bases ...more

  2. Group: COMPACI IPM Communication, Information and Knowledge Management group

    partners are engaged in the promotion of integrated Pest Management (IPM) among their contracted farmers. This necessitates them to invest in capacity development in form of training for their extension staff and the thousands of cotton farmers. COMPACI provides support to the partner companies in ...more

  3. Story: Story: Empowering CAMFAAS members with communication tips and techniques, to manage their portfolio within AFAAS virtual webpage platform Country Content

    organization in this field to work hand s in gloves. For that very pupose, CAMFAAS decided to empower its member organizations, through their communication liables with skills, so as to facilitate and support their organizations to take advantage of this platform and promote their actions, resource information ...more

  4. Resource: Resource: Rendements agricoles & Stratégies de gestion post récolte, Quelques pratiques courantes au Jitumu.

    Agriculture Communication Food Science and Technology Natural Resource Management Nutrition Dah, hibiscus sabdariffa & technique de gestion post récolte.JPG Etalage de riz au soleil_Stratégie_Gestion post Récolte_GCib.JPG Dah ou Oseille de Guinée_Graines.JPG Jiginè_Espace de Gestion post Récolte_GCib.JPG ...more

  5. Organisation: VOI AVOTRA

    Animation sanitaire ...more

  6. Organisation: Coopérative TANAMASOANDRO

    Valorisation et preservation des ressources existantes ...more

  7. Organisation: VOI Ambatolampy

    Agissant dans le domaine de la protection de l’environnement, agriculture, de l’élevage et de la pèche ...more

  8. News: News: ICT and Agriculture: Realising the Development Dividend Taking the process forward

    recognised the potential for the Eastern Cape to improve the livelihoods of its communities through agriculture and rural development. The Eastern Cape is endowed with natural resources – most people living in the rural hinterland can sustain a livelihood out of these. This potential however is still to be ...more

  9. Question: Question: [node:body:text]

    485 reads web Agricultural Research The fall army worm still is the major challenge in agriculture as we speakwhat measures are we taking on this? Best Practices kxm6 ...more

  10. Question: Question: [node:body:text]

    387 reads web Fall army worm Control? gtwa ...more
