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  1. Resource: Resource: Best Practices for Fall Armyworm Management in Africa

    practices to tackle Fall Armyworm. Best Practices Food Security Services Agricultural Extension Agricultural Research Farm Management and Planning Africa <a href="/users/siya-aggrey" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more

  2. News: News: Extension project management seminar at FCA Madagascar

    1482 reads FCA is organizing a project management seminar for extensionists and advisory services providers in Madagascar. The seminar takes place in Antananarivo on the 26-27th of July and focuses on different topics such as the management of innovation dissemination projects, video production ...more


    365 reads As part of the dissemination of principles, practices and methods for postharvest management through online channels, Helvetas, FANRPAN, AFAAS and AGRIDEA held their first webinar on 24th October 2017.The guiding theme of this was: “effectiveness, profitability, business opportunities, ...more


    801 reads AFAAS is in the process of forming and/or strengthening thematic working groups at, Country and regional level, in different themes including; post-harvest management, climate change, gender in RAS, ICT for RAS among others. These will be instrumental in giving technical guidance on ...more

  5. Resource: Resource: Farmer training videos on fruit fly management

    618 reads 'With support from CORAF, and in collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and the University of Ghana, Agro-Insight produced a series of 6 farmer training videos on fruit fly management, which will be of great relevance to all those involved in developing fruit ...more

  6. Resource: Resource: Field School Guidance Document Country Content AFAAS Content

    778 reads Dear All, I wish to bring to your attention, the new guidance document for field school actors, developed by FAO and other stakeholders.  Kindly access the link at: For more information on Field Schools in East ...more

  7. Story: Story: Women farmers– the Cornerstone of African Agriculture

    The Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), celebrated the International Women’s Day – 8 March 2016 by paying special tribute to all the women in the agriculture sector who remain committed, focussed and enduring to feed their families, communities, nations and ...more

  8. Resource: Resource: Closing the potential-performance divide in Ugandan agriculture (World Bank, 2018)

    Development Plan. Yet despite having very favorable natural resource and climate conditions for production of a wide variety of crops and livestock, average Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth--the difference between aggregate output growth and the growth of all inputs and factors of production that ...more

  9. Story: Story: How to use Mobile to Bridge the Agricultural Extension Gap and Improving Market Access for Rural Farmers in Uganda through ICTs. Country Content

    Katamba Ronald's blog 776 reads Ronald is a researcher and practitioner working on the application of Information and Communication Technologies for sustainable development (ICT4D), with a focus on agriculture, Health, Education and natural resources management in developing and emerging ...more

  10. News: News: Women at the forefront of knowledge sharing

    countries. Yet the gender gap continues to be a challenge due to women’s limited access and control over land, productive resources, markets and services. Targeted knowledge management initiatives are an opportunity to help rural women to improve their socio-economic position by integrating into economic ...more
