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  1. Resource: Resource: KeFAAS explainer videos, illustrated drawings and animated graphics for agricultural extension and services provision. Country Content AFAAS Content

    and nutrition security. Advances in technology are key to the future of agriculture as farmers strive to feed the world with limited natural resources. Our country has in the recent past faced frequent recurrent food security challenges resulting from among other things, spiraling food prices, high ...more


    accessibility, acceptability and adoption of technologies and good practices for postharvest loss reduction”. The recordings of first of the webinar conducted on the 24th October 2017, can be accessed through the following link: The 2nd webinar to be ...more


    1132 reads Dear Stakeholder, The webinar series on Postharvest Management (PHM) started in 2017, and will continue this year (2018) under the theme “Scaling up proven technologies and practices of postharvest management in Africa”. We’ll be happy to exchange with you on the questions of how we can ...more

  4. Resource: Resource: Extension in Sub-Saharan Africa: Overview and Assessment of Past and Current Models, and Future Prospects

    extension providers. In general, though, problems in extension systems were due to a combination of a lack of relevant technology, failure by research and extension to understand and involve clientele in problem definition and solving, lack of incentives for extension agents, and weak linkages between ...more

  5. News: News: INGENAES Symposium: Promoting Gender Responsive and Nutrition Sensitive Agricultural Extension

    include: Innovative and effective tools and approaches to strengthen EAS Building capacity of institutions to better respond to male and female farmers needs Youth involvement and Agripreneurship in Agricultural Extension Technologies or ICT that improve women’s agricultural productivity and enhance ...more

  6. News: News: Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services-Kenya (KeFAAS)  AgLINK Newsletter. AFAAS Content

    a traditional activity, rarely embracing new technologies and innovations. Download the Newsletter from here: Advisory Services Food Security Agricultural Extension AgLINK Newsletter-Forth Edition.pdf <a ...more

  7. Resource: Resource: Third Batch of Publications (FARA Research Reports) for the Year 2018

    Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). FARA is pleased to release the Third Batch of Publications (FARA Research Reports) for the Year 2018 providing relevant knowledge for AR4D and the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A). 1. Impact of agricultural innovation platforms on smallholder ...more

  8. News: News: ICT and Agriculture: Realising the Development Dividend Taking the process forward

    recognised: food security is still a challenge for many, farming as a commercial activity is still low, large tracks of land lie fallow etc.        With South Africa’s drive to close the digital divide and address digital poverty, what prospects does information and communication technology (ICT) hold to help ...more

  9. Story: Story: How informal agricultural traders capture and preserve customer loyalty

    complexity of transactions in informal agriculture markets, traders facilitate different levels of human interaction. Although technology has a supportive role in informal agriculture markets, most customers are influenced by personal experiences. Mobile phones come in to cement relationships that will have ...more

  10. Organisation: Forum du Conseil Agricole  a Madagascar

    (“Conseil d’Orientation”) is drawn. The SC is supported by a Secretariat (“Bureau de facilitation”) in implementing the decisions of the GA. The Secretariat is hosted by Farming & Technology for Africa – a member of the Forum. The forum has a three year Plan : 2014 to 2017, which has five ...more
